Our children are our future. Somewhere along the way, it seems that our “leaders” in Washington have forgotten this inherent truth. The state is being more intrusive that ever with our children and abridging our parental rights. This is a serious problem, especially in Nevada. Right now Nevada is at the bottom of the barrel in Education and Clark County School district is the 5th largest in the country!

To get education back on track we start by restoring parental rights in education. The radical left has come to the conclusion that only government-approved teachers are capable of educating our children. We know this is not true. Every child’s first teacher is their parents, and parents should have more of a say in what’s being taught in their children’s classrooms. Specifically in Nevada we have to break up CCSD, its too big and Henderson, Boulder City, and each municipality deserves its own school district and everyone agrees.

Parents across the country were labeled as “domestic threats” by the FBI for attending school board meetings demanding to know what their children are learning. Many parents were outraged to learn that their child’s curriculum contained lessons in Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project. 

CRT and the 1619 Project are dangerous theories that falsely claim that America was founded on the roots of racism. We know this is not true. We know that America was founded on the basis of liberty. We fought the Revolutionary War to break free from a tyrannical government. The left doesn’t want to teach our children the facts. They want to use the classroom as a platform to promote their radical propaganda. 

When elected, I will support any and every effort to ban CRT and other dangerous, racist curriculums from the classroom. We shouldn’t be teaching our children that race defines who we are. Instead, it is our character and what we do that defines us. 

The Democrats are also interested in introducing sexuality and gender studies to children as young as five years old. We must protect our children from hypersexualized content intended for adult consumption. Conversations about sexuality and gender should be had between children and their parents, not with a government official. 

Putting parents first and giving the student vouchers to pick their school of choice will introduce competition into the education system. This means means giving them the choice of where to send their children for their education. School Choice gives parents more control over where their tax dollars are being spent. Parents should have the right to direct their tax dollars towards educational institutions that serve to improve their child’s academic performance. 

Public schools all across the country are failing. Elected politicians are giving in to woke demands, and are destroying our education system in the process. Parents shouldn’t be forced to send their children to a certain school because of their zip code. If public schools want to force curricula that parents disagree with, then parents should have the ability to send their children elsewhere.  

Our children are the future of this country, and I will do everything in my power to protect our future and our children.

“I promise to get federal government OUT OF EDUCATION and PUT PARENTS FIRST! As a father nothing is more important than children. Everything we do should be to pay it forward for the betterment of our posterities childhood.”

-Morgun Sholty