We cannot continue down the path of endless wars. Our economy continues to cripple under Joe Biden’s radical regime, and he urges Congress to approve mass amounts of money to send in support of Ukraine. 

This is just the beginning… Soon Joe Biden will likely send troops to aid Ukraine in their effort to fight off the Russian military. Brave men and women in our military will have their lives put at risk by our government, defending another country’s border. 

Our military should be used to protect the American people from threats both foreign and domestic. Our America-Last foreign policy is outdated and only serves to fill the pockets of the war-mongering elites in Washington. Our children should not be forced to fight their wars, especially when the federal government’s obligations are not being upheld. 

War powers are reserved by the Constitution for Congress, not the President. Joe Biden does not have the authority to declare wars with foreign nations. When elected, I will ensure that every President seeks Congressional approval before deciding to deploy our brave men and women in uniform to a foreign war. 

The executive branch continues to extend their overreaching hand, while Nancy Pelosi and her puppets in Congress welcome the expanding role of government with open arms. The radical left has created a corrupt partnership with the mainstream media to convince the American people that America-First foreign policy is dangerous. Our America-First movement is dangerous… to their radical interventionist agendas that have created the endless cycle of ongoing wars we've grown accustomed to over the past two decades. 

Twenty years of war isn’t enough to the war-mongering elites. They don’t care about how many lives are lost and money is spent. They will continue to promote endless wars for as long as their pockets are being lined. 

We will Make America First Again. Our “leaders” in Washington are elected to protect the American people, and they are failing at their jobs miserably. While our economy is crippling, the radical left is promoting American involvement in Ukraine. Joe Biden has proposed BILLIONS in spending already, and we will be TRILLIONS more in debt if we don’t act now. 

Making America first again starts at the polls. We cannot keep electing the same people who go to Congress and immediately become pawns to the establishment’s agenda. We need conservative fighters who understand what’s currently at stake. 

Look, if we don’t act now, the country you and I have grown to love will be a thing of the past. We owe it to our brave men and women in uniform to BRING HOME THE TROOPS and STOP ENDLESS WARS.

“Endless wars have been one of the most prevalent variables in bankrupting America and tanking the dollar, and the return on investment has been abject at best; counterintuitive is perhaps more accurate. Being the Hegemone is certainly important, however, it has to be done in a fiscally responsible manner!”

-Morgun Sholty